Armored Fitness Equipment Update- February 2018
Is it just us or did January fly by? Armored Fitness Equipment® had a busy month settling in our new warehouse and continuing to mainstream production of the XPO Trainer. We we hope you are following along on Instagram or Twitter to see the latest happenings, but before you click over to our social media, take a look at some exciting things happening right now with our current production of the XPO Trainer®!
Athlete Spotlight: Eva T.

Two-time Alpine Skiing Olympian Eva Twardokens is now featured on the blog! If you're a CrossFitter, you may recognize her name- she is one of the original "Nasty Girls". Eva T. bought an XPO Trainer back in 2013 and still uses it often for training! Check out the blog to read her thoughts on the XPO Trainer!
WOD of the Month
Click here to read reviews and testimonials to find out why our sled is the best sled on the market!
Coach's Perspective- CrossFit Threshold
"The XPO Trainer saves us a tremendous amount of time, convenience, and annoyance," says Coach Antony Graf of CrossFit Threshold in Miami, Florida. This box is the oldest CrossFit affiliate in Miami and boasts a huge kids fitness program featuring the Youth Empowerment Systems YES Program created by Coach Graf. CrossFit Threshold uses the XPO Trainer in both the gym and the YES program and we are thrilled they are this month's coach's feature! Read more here!
Are you a coach or gym owner? Want to be featured on the blog? Email us at!
Top #xpotrainer Social Media Posts
We're selecting our top favorite social media posts featuring an XPO Trainer each month. This month we decided on THREE winners shown above-@life.with_layla, @strongblondeandfierce_lady and @timdorseyfitness! You are getting a *free* kick-butt AFE t-shirt in your mailbox soon! Want to be next?
Follow along at @armoredfit and use #xpotrainer for your chance to be featured!