FAQ: Is it OK to Stand on the XPO Trainer?

We agree, it’s fun to give friends rides on the XPO! It keeps everyone having fun while working out! BUT…we do want to caution you. Unfortunately, most of us will exceed the weight limit of the XPO Trainer. If you reference the XPO Trainer’s owner’s manual, one of our safety warnings is:

Never place more than 100 pounds of weight on the weight plate post.

Most of us standing on the XPO will exceed that weight limit. We also want to point out the safety warning in the owner’s manual:

Do not stand or ride on the XPO Trainer.

We are thrilled that so many of you are using our XPO Trainer with your friends! And we’ll continue to like and share your posts even if you’re riding the XPO. But we just wanted to remind everyone that unfortunately it’s not the best for your XPO and it will void your warranty if something does go wrong!

For other tips on how to keep your XPO Trainer in tip-top shape, click here!