Armored Fitness Coach's Perspective - Colleen Faltot and Grist Mill Fitness & Nutrition

Today's coach's perspective features Colleen Faltot and Grist Mill Fitness & Nutrition. The mission of Grist Mill Fitness & Nutrition is to make fitness fun and to help their members take ownership of their health and improve their life as a whole. March will mark Grist Mill's 3rd anniversary!

Colleen is the Owner at Grist Mill Fitness & Nutrition in Yardley, Pennsylvania. She is an NCI Level 1 & Level 2 Nutrition Coach, an IIN Holistic Health Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Mobility WOD Movement & Mobility Specialist, and TRX Certified Trainer. 

Colleen said she focuses a lot on nutrition and the strength-based portion of fitness. 

Why did you purchase XPO Trainer(s) for your gym?

We purchased an XPO to use with our interval training. We wanted something to use for the cardio segments in between our focus on strength training. I wanted a sled and a high-quality sled.

What benefits do you see when you or clients add sled training to a workout routine?

The XPO is different, and clients love it! It makes workouts exciting! It's excellent for functional movement. It gets the heart rate up in the way a kettlebell or wall ball does.

What makes the XPO Trainer different from other sleds you've used?

The XPO is a little more cardio-based than strength-based (unlike sleds that require you to add weights). I see it as a great fit for speed and agility training.

What is one of your most memorable WODs using the XPO Trainer?

We typically use the XPO in a circuit with a lot of other stuff. Mix it in with some TRX rows, some tire flips, planking, etc. and it's a great workout!

We enjoyed hearing from Colleen and loved her 5-star review on Amazon, "Legit! Great product - worth the extra $ compared to the others - and this company was SO awesome and easy to work with."

Check out Grist Mill Fitness & Nutrition on social media-it's a fun and inspirational one to follow!


