BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine Features XPO Trainer Including 5 New XPO WODs!
With over 250,000 monthly readers, BOXROX Competitive Fitness Magazine is one of the leading fitness magazines in the world. The magazine's contributors cover everything related to CrossFit, with thousands of articles on functional fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle. If you're a fan of fitness, this magazine is a must-read. The XPO Trainer was recently featured in an article written by BOXROX Editor-in-Chief Robbie Hudson, and it includes 5 all-new XPO WODs! With one titled "Burpee Hell", you're sure to be motivated to get in a good workout using the XPO Trainer!
The BOXROX article shares some practical how-to tips on using the XPO Trainer, including hand and body positioning and how to keep your momentum going. The author also includes benefits of using an XPO Trainer for rehabilitation and therapy (check back on our blog soon for an in-depth article about this very topic written by our own Bill Strahan).
Are you ready to check it out? Click here to read the BOXROX article on the XPO Trainer, and if you dare try one of the WODs listed, please tag us on social media and let us know how it went!
#xpowod #xpotrainer
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